本文是 https://pymotw.com/3/asyncio/coroutines.html 的学习笔记,强烈推荐直接阅读原文。
启动一个 Coroutine¶
启动一个 Coroutine 的最简单的一个方法就是使用 asyncio.run_until_complete 函数:
# asyncio_coroutine.py import asyncio async def coroutine(): print('in coroutine') event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: print('starting coroutine') coro = coroutine() print('entering event loop') event_loop.run_until_complete(coro) finally: print('closing event loop') event_loop.close()
首先是获取一个事件循环,然后用 run_until_complete 执行 Coroutine 对象,当 Coroutine 执行完成并退出时, run_until_complete 也会随后退出。
$ python3.6 asyncio_coroutine.py starting coroutine entering event loop in coroutine closing event loop
获取 Coroutine 的返回值¶
run_until_complete 会把 Coroutine 的返回值当做自身的返回值返回给调用方:
# asyncio_coroutine_return.py import asyncio async def coroutine(): print('in coroutine') return 'result' event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: return_value = event_loop.run_until_complete(coroutine()) print('it returned: {!r}'.format(return_value)) finally: event_loop.close()
$ python3.6 asyncio_coroutine_return.py in coroutine it returned: 'result'
链式调用 Coroutine¶
即在一个 Coroutine 函数中调用另外的 Coroutine 函数,同时还需要等待这个 Coroutine 函数返回结果。
# asyncio_coroutine_chain.py import asyncio async def one(): print('in one') return 'one' async def two(arg): print('in two') return 'two with arg {}'.format(arg) async def outer(): print('in outer') print('waiting for one') result1 = await one() print('waiting for two') result2 = await two(result1) return result1, result2 event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: return_value = event_loop.run_until_complete(outer()) print('result value: {!r}'.format(return_value)) finally: event_loop.close()
可以直接使用 await 等待 Coroutine 返回结果。
$ python3.6 asyncio_coroutine_chain.py in outer waiting for one in one waiting for two in two result value: ('one', 'two with arg one')
使用生成器代替 Coroutine¶
在 Python 3.5 之前的 Python 3 版本中还没有 async/await 语法,我们可以使用 asyncio.coroutine 装饰器加 yield from 来实现同样的功能:
# asyncio_generator.py import asyncio @asyncio.coroutine def one(): print('in one') return 'one' @asyncio.coroutine def two(arg): print('in two') return 'two with arg {}'.format(arg) @asyncio.coroutine def outer(): print('in outer') print('waiting for one') result1 = yield from one() print('waiting for two') result2 = yield from two(result1) return result1, result2 event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: return_value = event_loop.run_until_complete(outer()) print('result value: {!r}'.format(return_value)) finally: event_loop.close()
$ python3.4 asyncio_generator.py in outer waiting for one in one waiting for two in two result value: ('one', 'two with arg one')